Prevent Belly Fat in Perimenopause

What those extra few inches around your waist actually mean for you and your health…

Weight gain especially around the tummy area is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of hormonal changes. First, before I get into why this change happens and what you can do about it. I need to point out a few things:

  1. Perimenopause can start in a woman’s 30s and the average age is in the 40’s

  2. This is the time when the ovaries start to make fewer hormones and women experience those pesky symptoms everyone talks about (hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, dry skin, itchy skin, memory fog, weight gain, etc)

  3. Perimenopause can last 17 years and is a lot more than feeling crappy

  4. Most women do not know they are in perimenopause because of medical gaslighting

  5. Everything you have heard or been told about women’s health: our issues and symptoms are something we need to deal with or there’s nothing you can do about it or it’s just how life is going to be, is not true. We need to change our mindset and understand there are always options and other providers that can help.

What causes fat to accumulate in our tummy area?

When hormones fluctuate a few things happen:

  1. Muscle mass decreases. Less muscle mass is an invitation for fat to come in.

  2. Testosterone increases which causes the movement of fat toward the tummy area.

  3. Cortisol becomes a wild beast and has a party in our bodies creating havoc. This causes our blood sugar to rise. When there is a rise in blood sugar our body’s natural response is to release insulin. For anyone who does not know what insulin is- insulin is a hormone produced by our pancreas that allows our cells to take up sugar for energy. The energy that our cells do not need at the time gets stored for later use aka fat. 

What are the dangers of excess fat in our tummies?

  1. The fat that surrounds our organs is called visceral fat. 10%-11% is considered normal and healthy which means it won’t cause health problems and it is necessary to provide cushioning, warmth, and for other bodily functions. But an excess can cause the liver (the CEO of fat) to become extra fatty and increase our LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides which causes a build-up in our arteries called plaque and contributes to heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer in women and a silent killer. 

  2. Too much visceral fat can also cause insulin resistance. This is where our cells have a hard time receiving insulin which can cause too much blood sugar and cause diabetes.

  3. All these things can lower our immune system. If you think about it, if we have a lot more going on inside than what our body is used to and then we get sick, our body is thinking “Okay, I already have to work harder with everything that’s going on. Now I have to work extra hard!” This is why people who have co-morbidities and/or are overweight have a harder time recovering when they get sick. 

  4. So, if our visceral fat percentage is above 11% it can put you at risk for heart disease and diabetes. 

  5. Love Your Body Wellness offers a 3D body scan that will tell you if your visceral fat level is healthy or not. 

  6. Love Your Body provides services that are targeted to incinerate visceral fat without the need for invasive surgeries or crazy trips to the gym, including their Neuromuscular Stimulation machine and their Medical Weight Loss program.

What do I do about the extra fat around my belly?

Making simple lifestyle changes can help with any excess fat that is gained during hormonal changes. It’s all about adapting to the changes, not letting the changes take over your life. These look different for everyone but can include eating less carbs/sugar, increasing our protein intake, eating more fiber and healthy fats, and incorporating strength training.  

In my Menopause Prep program, you will learn how and what to give your body what it needs so you can thrive in perimenopause, be happy, and enjoy life. It’s not a restrictive diet or a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it’s listening to your body, looking at what your symptoms are, and getting you to optimal health. I have helped over 300 women reach their goals through personalized plans. Each body and life is different. You need a plan that is tailored for you and your life. 

Watch my program video here to learn more about Menopause Prep. Anyone who reads this article will be offered a free monthly coaching session. Just simply fill out an application after watching the video and I will be in touch! Feel free to message me directly via IG @Menopause.prep or at 561-316-0402.

Written by Vanessa Dyer, RDN, LD

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