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The Purpose Behind Love Your Body

Embracing Our Core Values: The L.O.V.E. Philosophy

Guiding Principles That Shape Our Journey

At Love Your Body, our core values form the foundation of our commitment to your well-being. We celebrate your journey, embrace accountability, set bold goals, and maintain a positive attitude to help you achieve your health and wellness aspirations.

The Story Behind the Brand

Shanna Bonanno, Founder

This is a Journey in Love!

Love Your Body is a representation of my personal journey toward self-love and greater confidence. It is an outlet for me to be of service to my community by creating a safe space for people from all walks of life to experience healing, growth and love.


Shortly after my divorce, with the help of family, friends and licensed mental health counselors, I realized that I had never really invested in my self. I was drowning in worry, self-doubt and fear. Fear of failing on my own as a single person. Fear of rejection of trying to find new love and build the family I wanted. Fear of being fat, like I was in my early 20s. Self-doubt that I wasn't good enough. A feeling of being ruined and unworthy. It was the opposite of love.

I had invested all of my time in my ex-husband, and when he was gone, I invested all of my time in my career. I went straight to the top - but suffered from anxiety, unhealthy weight loss, sleepless nights and I even visited a cardiologist because I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I needed to do something to heal my mind and body. So I started to invest in myself - both inside and out. I started exercising and getting serious about my diet with the help of trainers and coaches. I read books, meditated and sought spiritual guidance. I even had a few minor cosmetic procedures to make me feel more confident in my skin.

Now that I have spent year's of time, energy and money investing in myself, I am now able to put my best foot forward living the life I have always dreamed of as a wife, parent, daughter, sister, friend and entrepreneur.

The journey is never over, but I have found love in all areas of my life because I am worthy. I am worthy of the investment - and so are you!

I created Love Your Body so you can find safe, non-invasive yet effective ways to invest in your own personal transformation. But more importantly, for you to find love! Come and join us.

Our Credo

We believe the body is the key to lifelong health and happiness.

Our Vision

We want to create a community where people feel comfortable and empowered to jump start and maintain their journey to better health and wellness.

Our Mission

We want to improve the quality of life for our patients by offering natural, safe and affordable treatments that become an important part of their daily habits, routine and lifestyle.

Our Core Values = L.O.V.E.

During our day-to-day activities, we want every patient to LOVE their body, LOVE their results and LOVE their experience. That is why we commit to uphold the following values:

    We care for our patients and treat them with compassion and respect.

    At Love Your Body, we believe self-care starts with kindness to ourselves and to each other. We recognize that we are all human beings with flaws and imperfections. We will never be perfect. On our journey to sculpt and shape our bodies, we are committed to speak positive words and affirmations, to encourage others and to practice non-judgment.

    We are conscious of our decisions and accountable for our

    At Love Your Body, we are accountable for our thoughts, words and actions. We understand the steps we take each and every day impact the results we achieve and the life we experience. We accept responsibility for where we are today. We are committed to make consistent improvements and to regularly track and measure our progress for tomorrow.


    Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


    Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


    Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


    Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


    Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


    Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


    Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

    We set big goals and maintain a positive attitude as we work to get there.

    At Love Your Body, we see our future. We believe our minds and bodies are powerful tools to help us attain our goals. We set intentions each day to be better versions of our previous self and we take pause to see ourselves get there in our minds' eye. We are committed to remain confident in our abilities and positive in our thinking.


    Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


    Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


    Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


    Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


    Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


    Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


    Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

    We practice gratitude and celebrate all of your success along the way.

    At Love Your Body, we believe that success is a journey, not a destination. There will be good days and bad days. There will be highs and lows. There will be easy times and hard ones. We are committed to appreciate each moment, celebrate each success, practice gratitude in all things and most importantly, we will stay the course. We will never give up!


    Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


    Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


    Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


    Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


    Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


    Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


    Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

    Our Commitment

    Whether you have big weight loss goals, want to tone a few troubled areas, manage pain or boost your energy levels, making a decision to shape, transform and care for your body takes courage. We commit to come alongside you as a trusted partner to provide clear, concise treatment plans designed for your personal goals that are:


      We commit to provide treatments that are natural and non-invasive.


      We commit to provide treatments that are safe, and to operate with safety standards that protect our patients and team members.


      We commit to provide proven treatments that produce measurable results for our patients.


      We commit to provide affordable treatments and payments plan so the body you want is never out of reach.

      Slimming & Toning

      We use advanced technology to provide safe, non-invasive solutions to tighten and tone any area of your body at a fraction of the cost of alternative treatments, like Liposuction, Tummy Tuck or CoolSculpting - with zero downtime!


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

      Fat Loss

      Whether you have a few pounds of stubborn fat to lose, or have significant weight loss goals, we offer safe and proven methods that may help you lose up to 15% of your body weight or 40 pounds in only 3 months!


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

      Cellulite Reduction

      If you are tired of lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, underarms or abdomen, we offer safe and effective solutions to reduce the appearance of cellulite with excellent and long-lasting results!


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.


      We offer intramuscular vitamin shots, food allergy/sensitivity tests and nutritional coaching with specialists trained in functional medicine to help keep you encouraged and on track.


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.


      Before you consider injecting your skin with a toxin like Botox or Juvederm, we encourage you to consider the natural anti-aging solutions we offer to tighten and lift the skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

      Pain Management

      If you suffer from migraines, aches, pains or injuries, we offer advanced technologies to target your troubled areas to reduce inflammation and nerve sensation that will alleviate and heal your pain.


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.


      If you suffer from low energy, are addicted to caffeine or just need a boost, we offer intramuscular vitamin shots, sound therapy and other advanced technologies that will naturally increase your energy levels.


      Dolors platea minim vulput tempor ipsume portti vertis venena semper evenie lacusa laoret lectus intege proina sagitt.


      Dolors ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret proina venena vertis vulput evenie tempor semper platea minim lectus intege portti.


      Lectus minim evenie vulput lacusa intege portti ipsume laoret dolors platea venena proina vertis tempor sagitt semper.


      Intege sagitt portti tempor minim venena lacusa dolors laoret lectus vulput vertis proina platea semper ipsume evenie.


      Lacusa dolors evenie venena sagitt laoret portti proina ipsume minim platea vulput intege lectus vertis tempor semper.


      Dolors vertis vulput ipsume evenie venena sagitt tempor lectus laoret semper platea proina intege minim portti lacusa.


      Intege platea tempor dolors portti proina vertis semper vulput laoret lectus evenie venena sagitt ipsume lacusa minim.

      Rest & Recovery

      Every body needs time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. That's why we've designed a Restoration Room with a comfortable atmosphere, advanced technologies and natural therapies to help you do just that.

      Schedule a Consultation Today

      Not sure where to begin your journey? Don't worry! We can help. 

      Come in for a risk-free, no-obligation consultation with a trained expert. You will receive a 3D body composition analysis and a course of treatment to help you achieve your specific body goals.

      Our Clients Love Their Experience

      Join the Fastest Growing Wellness Community in Clearwater

      About Us

      We believe in the body's role in lifelong health and happiness. Our vision is to create a community where individuals can jumpstart and maintain their journey to wellness. We offer natural, safe, and affordable body care treatments, emphasizing kindness, accountability, positivity, and gratitude.

      Operating Hours

      We are open 6 days a week and closed on Sunday.








      09:00 am – 05:00 pm

      10:00 am – 06:30 pm

      10:00 am – 06:30 pm

      10:00 am – 06:30 pm

      09:00 am – 05:00 pm

      10:00 am – 05:00 pm


      Our Location

      13555 Automobile Boulevard
      Suite 500
      Clearwater, Florida 33762

      Copyright © 2024 Love Your Body Clearwater, LLC. All rights reserved.

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